Hello 2-3rd Grade 11:45 Kidspoint Team. You are formally invited to the 2023 Fellowship, Fun, Food and Fire at John and Teri Beck’s home.
Blue Shirts and Kidspoint Ambassadors (who wear Yellow Shirts) Please bring your families. Child care will not be provided because we already do that on Sundays 😉
We will be providing Burgers, Hotdogs, S’mores ingredients and Fire!
Things we need:
- Sides
- Chips
- Desserts
- Drinks
- Lawn Chairs for your people (we have some, so depends on how many attend).
- Anything else you think would be good to bring
Details you need to know
Date: Nov 04, 2023 AD
Time: 5:00PM – 9:00 PM EST
Sign up to RSVP and for the food or drinks you are bringing:
Sign up sheet <- Sign up!